Filtering by: Robinah Nansubuga
What does it mean to be located in a particular place as an artist? How does your own identity and past connections with different places layer over your positioning at the precise moment when you take a photograph, write a line or stand on stage? When you figure the lives and positioning of the other people you represent? Is there within an artwork always a sense of home, either of being at home or of longing for displaced home?
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Join the festival organisers for the opening of Kigali Photo Fest exhibitions at Kandt House. Work includes winners of the Uganda Press Photo Awards and alongside work by photographers from Rwanda and beyond. Festival Curator Robinah Nansubuga will walk visitors around the exhibition commenting on the work, how it is displayed and the connections with the festival theme “In Search of Relevance: Locality and Remediation”?
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Join Kigali Photo Fest founders Jacques Nkinzingabo and Kibuuka Mukisa Oscar, plus the festival curator Robinah Nansubugah to open the festival at the Kigali Center for Photography. All are welcome. Doors open from 19.00, Speeches from 21.00.
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